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Immigrants from Tajikistan held the World Congress in defense of Human Rights and Freedom in GBAO

2 декабря, 2021



Immigrants from Tajikistan held the World Congress in defense of Human Rights and Freedom in GBAO

On November 28th, the World Congress of Compatriots, united to protect the fundamental human rights and freedom in the territory of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region and other parts of the Republic of Tajikistan, was held in an online format .

Pamir Daily News is the first to publish the full text of the resolution and asks all citizens who share the principles specified in the resolution to support the global initiative

The Symbol of Congress


of The World Congress of Tajik Compatriots, convened for the aim of safeguarding fundamental human rights and freedoms in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region as well as  other regions of the Republic of Tajikistan.

November 29, 2021


We, the delegates of the World Congress of Compatriots of Tajikistan,

expressing the voices and mandates of citizens with strong links to their ancestral homeland, the Republic of Tajikistan, and represent following countries: Tajikistan, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, Poland, Austria, Sweden, Turkey, Italy, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Brazil,

convened here in this assembly with the common goal of protecting human rights and freedoms,

bearing witness of the fresh wave of human rights abuses on the territory of their ancestral homeland, particularly in Gorno-Badakhshan, and

considering the democratization of society and states as a result of the globalization of universal principles, standards, and freedoms,

recognizing our historical responsibility to our small indigenous/autochthonous peoples, who are inseparably linked to Tajik society and the Tajik people, as well as our ability to contribute to public institutions,

adopt this resolution, and

establish a permanent mechanism  to monitor and prevent violations of indigenous and autochthonous peoples’ rights on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan and abroad, namely people from the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region.

1. Preliminary and general provisions

Systematic violations of human rights and oppression of the human dignity of ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities living in the territory of GBAO of Tajikistan have grown commonplace, putting them on the brink of extinction. Such realities compel us to resort to modern international human rights mechanisms and institutions, to promote legal actions and measures that aid in holding accountable the individuals and legal entities directly or indirectly involved in the infringement and oppression of human rights and freedoms on the territory of GBAO. The newly created committees will be in charge of reviewing and drafting proposals for the implementation of such real mechanisms. This includes:

compiling a comprehensive list of those in positions of authority who have been involved in murders and other inhumane and criminal acts,

considering the Global Magnitsky Act, the Hague International Tribunal, and an appeal to the representative authorities of the delegations’ home countries to cooperate with external international bodies to reduce grant programs and other financial lines, as well as other types of assistance to the state which is uses such assistance to suppress public freedoms.

drafting of appeals to the embassies of European and North American countries, as well as their respective parliaments, calling for a moratorium on the provision of grants and gratuitous military and other assistance to the law enforcement agencies that are used by them to violate people’ rights and freedoms.

examining international and national legal precedents that have led to extraterritorial criminal liability for such persons in power

exploring and promoting the use of emerging modern information and technical capacities for monitoring human rights breaches, such as blockchain technology and Starlink satellite communications.

constructing a global open database that collects details about human rights breaches at all phases of their development in real time.

2. Organizational provisions

The Congress creates a Global Council that meets every two years and operates on an ongoing basis. At the request of two-thirds of the delegates, the Global Council can convene a special session. The delegates are represented by the mandate of their constituents.

The Council forms the following bodies as a starting point:

Committee for continuous monitoring of human and civil rights protection.

Committee on Legal Affairs. It is called upon to explore possibilities opportunities to sanction persons and related companies incorporated in Western nations.

Committee on socioeconomic and humanitarian issues. Its mission is to address social issues such as fundraising and aiding those who have been victimized by law enforcement.

Committee on Information. Its goal is to research and encourage the spread of modern technologies to a wide variety of individuals.

3. Solution:

3.1. Extrajudicial executions by a group of persons without state identification marks are tantamount to an act of terrorism. In this regard, in the absence of official protection of civilians from encroachments on their life, the local populace will be obliged to create self-defense forces against such groups.

3.2. It was decided to start the process of monitoring the implementation of the terms of agreements between representatives of local government authorities and representatives of the civilian population, represented by forty delegates from the districts of GBAO and neighborhoods of Khorog by means of this resolution.

3.3. In the event of failure to comply with the terms of agreement with peaceful demonstrators, in particular, an immediate, transparent and impartial investigation of the aforementioned incidents of extrajudicial executions in order to establish truth and justice; demilitarize the region; restore internet and mobile connection with the region, remove representatives of state authorities and law enforcement agencies from office who are responsible for illegal actions in relation to the civilian population , the Congress reserves the right to hold indefinite manifestos in all diaspora countries in defense of the rule of law from December 10 – International Human Rights Day.

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